ORCID 0000-0003-4725-3008
*Denotes undergraduate mentee †Denotes equal author contributions
8) Kaiser, S.A.†, Grabenstein, K.C.†, Sillett, T.S., and Webster, M.S. No experimental support for resource-dependent offspring sex allocation in a migratory songbird. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology, In Press
7) Theodosopoulos, A.N., Grabenstein, K.C., Larrieu, M E., *Arnold, V. & Taylor, S.A. Similar parasite communities but dissimilar infection patterns in two closely related chickadee species, Ornithology, ukad033. 2023
6) Grabenstein, K.C., Otter, K., Burg, T., & Taylor, S.A. Hybridization between closely related songbirds is related to human habitat disturbance. Global Change Biology. 29 (4) 955- 968. https://doi.org/10.1111/gcb.16476, 2023
Associated media coverage: CU Boulder Today, Earth.com, Times of India, CT Insider
Associated commentary article: https://doi.org/10.1111/gcb.16527
5) Grabenstein, K.C., Otter, K., Burg, T., & Taylor, S.A. Sympatry leads to lower body condition for two closely related taxa. Ecology & Evolution. 12(4), e8756. https://doi.org/10.1002/ece3.8756
4) Theodosopoulos, A.N., Grabenstein, K.C., Bensch, S. & Taylor, S.A. A highly invasive malaria parasite has expanded its range to non-migratory birds in North America. Biology Letters. 17(9), 20210271. https://doi.org/10.1098/rsbl.2021.0271
3) *Feldmann, K., Grabenstein, K.C., & Taylor, S.A. Achromatic plumage variation between and within closely-related hybridizing chickadees. The Journal of Field Ornithology. 92(2), 184-202. https://doi.org/10.1111/jofo.12368
2) Schroeter, I., Forrester, C., Brigham, L., Fried, E., Grabenstein, K., Karban, C., McDermott, M. 2019. Diverging from the Dogma: A Call to Train Creative Thinkers in Science, Bulletin of the Ecological Society of America. 100 (1) 1-7.
1) Grabenstein, K.C. & Taylor, S.A. Breaking barriers: causes, consequences, and experimental utility of human-mediated hybridization. Trends in Ecology & Evolution, 33(3), 198-212. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tree.2017.12.008
2) Grabenstein, K.C., Theodosopoulos, A.N., Pravosudov, V.V. & Taylor, S.A. Human-mediated hybridization leads to extensive local introgression in common backyard birds. Evolution Letters.
1) Anderson, W.C., Funk, E.R., Theodosopoulos, A.N., Grabenstein, K.C., Spellman, G., & Taylor, S.A. Genomic data reveals a novel avian hybrid zone along the Front Range of the Rocky Mountains. Ornithology.
2) *Taylor, O., Grabenstein, K.C., Theodosopoulos., A.N. , *Leeson,, H. Taylor, S.A., & Branch, C.L. Chickadees sing differentlly in sympatry versus allopatry. Proceedings B.
*Feldmann, K., Funk, E., Grabenstein, K.C., Jackson, D., Theodosopolous, A., Wagner, D. N. and Taylor, S. A. Book Review: The Ascent of Birds. The Journal of Field Ornithology. 90(1), 101-102. https://doi.org/10.1111/jofo.12286
Grabenstein, K.C. “The Boulder Chickadee Study: Establishing a long-term research framework.” Colorado Birds, Colorado Field Ornithologists Quarterly Publication. 53.1 Winter, pg 11-20. https://cobirds.org/colorado-birds-journal/2019-winter/
Grabenstein, K.C. "Seven Ways of Looking at a Fairywren: Student Research in Australia." All About Birds, 13 Aug. 2014. https://www.allaboutbirds.org/seven-ways-of-looking-at-a-fairywren-student-research-in-australia/.
Grabenstein, K.C."Research News: Can Clark's Nutcrackers help keep white bark pine forests alive?" Project FeederWatch, 5 Mar. 2012. http://feederwatch.org/blog/research-news-can-clarks-nutcrackers-help-keep-whitebark-pine-forests-alive/.
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